Looking for an internship abroad

Talents Place Worldwide

Boost your career with an Internship Abroad


Culinary Internship

Culinary internship program offers students the chance to learn


Culinary and Hospitality internship provided accommodation in the hotel-restaurant or very close to your internship.


The duration of internship is 3 to 6 months.

Hospitality Internship

Hospitality internship program offers students an opportunity to work in hotels and restaurants.


Culinary and Hospitality internship provided meals (Sometimes 3 meals per day or at least during working hours).

Salary in France €600 (Approximate - before taxes)

In France you’ll receive a salary of about €600 per month.

Business internship

With our internship programs develop your skills, you can life a business experience abroad.

All the visa process

During all the process we’ll provide all the necessary documents for your visa application.

All time support

We provide a continuous support throughout the internship program.

Find Your Place! An Impact Across the Globe

Internship abroad programs that fit your personal and professional goals for your future

Frequently asked questions and answers

First, Am I eligible?

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be between 18 and 30 years old
  • For culinary or hospitality internships, you need currently enrolled in a hotel management school or in a culinary school
  • Have a good level of English and at least a basic level of country language.
  • Be motivated, willing to learn and open-minded
Do you have sessions or we can apply throughout the year?

You can apply all through the year.

Can I chose the country and city?

You can give us a list of places you’d like to be but we won’t guarantee a placement. Internships are available all around of country, a minimum of flexibility is expected.

What kind of host companies will I work for?

For culinary or hospitality Internship, you’ll work in:

  • Michelin starred restaurants
  • Gastronomic restaurants
  • 3 to 5 stars hotels.
What about the accommodation?

For culinary and hospitality interneships you’ll have a room (often shared with other interns) within the hotel-restaurant or in a flat/house near your internship place.

How long does it take to secure a placement?

About 3 – 4 weeks.

When should I apply?

If you are a non european student, you’ll need a visa. The administrative procedures may be long. You’ll have to apply at least 4 months before your internship starting date.

What about the visa?

We’ll assist you in the entire visa process. Internship in Europe and your host company will provide all the documents required from the country embassy.

I am not a student anymore, is it possible to apply?

Sorry, it is not possible. Ask us for other posibilities

I don't speak language of the country, can I apply?

Yes, you can apply but your host company will appreciate if you make some effort to learn a little bit of country language

How much will I get paid?

It depends on the country, in France for example you’ll receive a salary of approximately €600 per month.

What about the meals?

For culinary and hospitality interneships, depending on your internship, you’ll receive 3 meals per day or meals during your working hours.

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Speak with our Internship Specialist, we are available to answer all your questions

TP Worldwide LLC

1032 E Brandon Blvd #7189
Brandon, FL 33511

+956 303-3164

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